Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Travel Tip #12 - Things to consider when traveling with family or friends

     A couple of weeks ago, I came across a blog that had some very sage advice about travelling with other families. Since it relates to my own travel tip for the week, here is the link: Rule #6: Not All Friends Are Travel Friends
    The basic premise is that certain friends are more compatible travelling companions than others. This isn't to say that not all your friends are great people; rather that your idea of what constitutes a great vacation may be very different. Travel can bring out both the best or the worst in you and others, so travelling with friends who have very different preferences regarding vacations can actually damage a friendship rather than strengthen it. Here are some things to consider before committing yourself to a joint vacation:
1. Where do my friends/family like to travel?
2. What do my friends typically do on vacation?
3. Do my friends prefer to get out of the hotel/condo to see things, or do they prefer to spend their vacation relaxing?
4. How much money do my friends typically spend on vacation?
5. What kind of accommodations do they prefer to use? (tent, motor home, stay with family in area, motel, hotel, condo, cruise ship, etc.)
6. What do they do for meals? (fix simple meals & snacks, fix elaborate meals, eat fast food, fine dining)
If you have kids...
7. Do our kids' ages match up?
8. Do our kids get along for extended periods of time?
9. Do our kids have similar interests?
10. Do we have similar disciplinary styles?

     After reviewing these questions, you will have a much better idea of whether or not your friends/family will be compatible travelling companions. Personally, I usually enjoy travelling with others - particularly family. For our New York/New England trip, we traveled with my parents and my sister's family and had a blast. Since our kids are similar ages, it gave our daughters a chance to do a variety of fun and interesting activities with their cousins. One of my favorite memories was listening to my dad sing the Erie Canal song as we cruised along the Erie Canal. I realize that travelling with family might seem like a nightmare to some people, but it has almost always worked out great for us.
     Have fun planning your next vacation!

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