Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Travel Tip #14 - Generic packing list

     It used to be that every time we went on a trip, we would inevitably forget something. One year it was a flashlights for our camping trip. Another year it was dress shoes. Other things we've forgotten were flip-flops, sun block, glasses, contact lenses cleaning solution, etc. We would make packing lists, but inevitably we'd leave something off of it. Then I got smart and made a generic packing list to cover all the different types of destinations we generally travel to, and saved it on my computer. Now, when packing for a trip, I pull out my I-pad and review the list, deciding which items I need, and which I don't. Occasionally I modify the list to include new items or discard obsolete ones. In any case, I have everything ready the night before so that all I have to do is pack it in the car on the day of our trip. Now my wife doesn't spend half the night worrying about what we might have forgotten. Here is my list. Feel free to adapt it to meet your needs:
Clothes: underwear, shirts, pants, shorts, socks, dress clothes, pjs, sweats, jacket, hat, belt, shoes (dress, tennis, flip-flops, sandals, hiking boots, water socks), swim suit, glasses
Toiletries: deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, facial cleanser, cotton balls, aspirin, medications, chapstick, sunscreen, comb, razor, gel, cologne
Miscellaneous: towels, water bottles, camel pack, camera, phone, tickets & documents, passport, wallet, extra cash, games, book, computer, chargers, DVDs, music, journal, pen, map, flashlight, first aid kit, day pack, pillow, gifts
Camping: tent, mallet, sleeping bags, air mattresses, air pump, batteries, blanket, camp chairs, mini broom, cook stove, propane, lighter, wood, hatchet, dutch oven equipment, pots & pans, cooking utensils, eating utensils, plates & cups, water purifier, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, flashlight, trowel, TP, marshmallow prongs, compass or GPS, hand mirror, back pack, hiking pole, mole skin
Food, Beverages & paper goods

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